Wednesday 1 August 2012

That special phrase I like the most

Hey there.......
I wonder if anyone else has a "special phrase" they like to use in their everyday lives? Maybe you have one and it's subconscious..maybe it slips out without you even aware of it? Maybe just asking this question is making you aware of it right now? Or maybe you - like me - are completely conscious of it and you like to throw that phrase around with reckless abandon because it feels so damn satisfying passing over your lips? Maybe it calms you and creates a sense of " power " of that which is powerless???
In my case "my special phrase" is one that I love dearly! It is certainly not an original one - I hear it many times a day from many different mouths - young and old. I have taken in it, given it warmth and shelter and begged it to stay. Ive adopted it and it has a forever home. I will never ever send it packing - in fact I couldn't even if I wanted to. It a part of me :) Gladly there are so many occasions, instances, circumstances and reasons to apply it - so it will never grow old or fade.
I hear my "phrase" spoken angrily, happily, in disbelief or humorously. I hear it whispered, screamed, spoken calmly and with a tone of sarcasm. I do believe that it has also become a favourite of Mr March, now whether that's my influence or not I can't say - but an echo is always fun so I won't correct him and explain it was mine first.
Can you guess yet - no - I will continue then.
 I say this hmmmm 20 - 30 times EVERY day ( perhaps even more )  ...again ..sometime whispered through my teeth.. sometimes shouted with such violent enthusiasm that I scare myself ... sometimes it slips out at the most inappropriate moment - like at a doctors appointment or job interview ...sometimes mindlessly scrolling through tv channels and only finding Olympic tv or re-runs...sometimes when I walk up the stairs to find the dog has ripped EVERY toilet roll to minute pieces...sometimes in tears.!!
There are times I say it when I'm cut off on the road by some inconsiderate jerk off...sometimes when my  hair just wont look normal...sometimes it fly's out when MIDDIE MARCH back chats me .....see there are so many reasons. Last week in particular I passionately shouted it after becoming a human sick bucket at 3.45 in the morning .. ( dog vomiting on head incident which possibly shortened his life by 1 year - after I cursed him for doing so ) ...I also may have thrown it around in quick succession last saturday after taking an involuntary dip in the creek next door at 7.30am on a 5degree morning. Yesterday I whispered it under my breathe as a rather large elderly customer proceeded to slightly lift one of her rather large butt cheeks and let out the hugest FART that I had ever heard a stranger do in a public place without a hint of shame or embarrassment ...better out than in eh?! Again it came tumbling out when she did it for a second time...then shuffled over to ask where the public toilets were!! When I pointed to my stores bathrooms I had a telling feeling that I would be saying my phrase with huge levels of disgust and indignation tomorrow when i opened the bathroom door to clean it - FARTS like that only come from one place with one outcome!!!!
I was only last night however that I fully became aware that this was not only my "Phrase" of choice...... but countless others and the weight of how important it had become in daily life fully took impact! See ...I like my "phrase" describes everything I could ever say in 3 small and yet 3 magical words. When a character out of a movie that MR MARCH was forcing me to watch Shouted my "Phrase" out in sheer shock and disbelief........I went " AMEN SISTA................You Know The SHIT" .....and here I am telling you now! So what do I hear you say to this revelation .....................................perhaps I hear you saying .........Mrs March ..........................
" WHAT ~~~~THE ~~~~~~FUCK"  :D    


  1. LOL. I think I did hear you say about it 20 times in the hour I was with you today ;)

  2. Haa I did promise to be brutally honest :)
