Sunday 29 July 2012

Things That Make You Go HHHMMMMMM....

Just like C& C Music Factory sing  - There are Things That Make You Go Hhmm..almost every single day. One such thing that made me go HHmmmm lately was the purchase of an Entertainment Book. Let me elaborate : ..see I've always viewed these "books" as bowing down to age. By this I mean... I have only ever known "older" people to purchase them they promote a sense of planning that surrenders all spontaneity..shall we say. By the way no offence intended, iit was just how we have always felt.
For example "honey ...where shall we go to dinner?" " ohh lets see where the night takes us babe" ....VS " honey...where shall we go to dinner?" " Well we will have to sit down with the entertainment book and work that out" ...ummmm yeah! See my point. HHmmmmmmmm.......
 When your young and carefree ride by the seat of your pants, you end up where the night takes you are reckless, there's no planning just GO! But when your older you plan, you budget, you ORGANISE! The Entertainment Book just seemed so .... responsible and mature! So in light of these feelings - I had never succumbed - TILL NOW!! Recently Mr March and I decided that maybe we should give it a go. It paid for itself in just 2 outings - we were told. There's such variety in these books - we were told. You'll go to so many different spots - we were told. So we parted with the cash.
It looked good - there was variety - so many places we had never been. I wonder how many of you ( like us ) stuck to the same favourite restaurants and hotels because why try to re-invent the wheel ( or the shnitty parmi - right?)? So at face value we felt it was $65 well spent. BUT..... and isn't there always a BUT?......
Why is it that every time we get into the car to go out to use it's by the side of my bed at home?? Or ...We will have a mass barny over where we prefer to go? Or.... There is some kind of "condition" to prevent you from actually using the thing? Or take it and pay for your meal then remember ..but it's too late? Ahhh..sigh.....this happens every time! Most recently Mr March, myself and Mini March decided to go see The Dark Knight Rises at The Norwood Cinema. After much tossing back and forth over where to go was decided on and we headed towards our chosen spot.
It was clear after we walked in that we had chosen wrong. We were not acknowledged in any way and it was only after Mr March and his famous temper got the better of him and he angrily asked for service - that we were given the time of day. We found a table and Mr March proceeded to order but ...lordy lordy ...FORGOT TO PRESENT THE ENTERTAINMENT CARD! Well...this set off a chain of events that well and truly made for an overall crappy experience. The "Duty Manager" refused to honour the entertainment card deal, huffed and puffed, rolled her eyes, proceeded to tell every staff member the story of our sheer nerve at daaaaaaaaaring to ask to get the deal honored etc etc. I guess the icing on the cake for me was when she stood at the counter of the hotel - in plain sight of all and sundry ..and proceeded to take out her packet of Tobacco - and her ROLLY machine ( apologies for incorrect terminology) and roll herself a ciggy!!! Next to the food cabinet, with the hands that she had been serving with, so my child could see her, in a smoke free hotel! Yep ....C&C Music Factory were doing a rousing rendition in my head right about then ...Shakin what their mama's gave them ...Happy pants wearing and running man dancing......!!!
As you can imagine we left very disappointed! Ciggy had also loudly informed us that "These Entertainment Books are more trouble than they are worth" - Great ....decision well made I was thinking. Well maybe we could have written that off to only 1 bad experience ...but it just keeps plaquing us :( Only yesterday we agreed on a place to eat for lunch and BOOM - we forget the voucher - AGAIN!!)So is there something wrong with this picure??? I think yes feelings about this are:  we are too young to plan, we are fly by the seat of our pants people, we couldn't organise a shag in a shag shack! There is nothing wrong with not knowing where you will end up ... it's called spontenaity and adventure - you can google it! Im going to console myself with this and keep telling myself that C& C Music Factory were really onto something ........ I should have listened to them! HHmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Ps ...anyone needing a good night out ....i have plenty of vouchers :-)


  1. LOL! I buy the entertainment book for Mum every year for Mother's Day. And then, after she's had it for a few weeks, I go through it and take out all the vouchers for coffee places and little snack places, cafes etc that I go too often. We use her gold card as well sometimes if we want to go somewhere "nice" for dinner. Works for us that way, cos we're saving without having to pay. But, there's always times you forget the voucher or end up somewhere else etc. Live and learn!

  2. OMG I can't believe you didn't give that woman what for! You're going tame in your old age Mrs M, I expect more from you my fellow feisty one xo

  3. Ohhhh you can bet she got it ok....i think my dinner was wiped on the kitchen floor though :/
